Monday, December 15, 2014

Challenge Your Nail Art: Christmas Decorations

Happy Monday! (Is there such a thing?)  I hope you had a nice weekend :)  I finally got the last of my Christmas lights hung up in the front of my house.  Had a snaffoo with adaptors, and ended up using two strings of lights that weren't lighting up as "extension chords."  It worked out very well, and now my house's curb appeal is downright jolly ^_^

Today's Challenge Your Nail Art theme is Christmas decorations, so in honor of my lighting win I decided to go with this fun design:


 ...wait for it...


Yeah, I know, it's pretty awesome if I do say so myself - and I do! ^_^  I used Christmas Lights by Skin Artisan (which you may remember me blogging about a few weeks ago) as the base, and blue and green topcoats by Indigo Bananas over the lights that are freehand painted using acrylic paints.  I am quite pleased with the outcome :D

Be sure to check out the other fun designs created for this challenge below!  See you soon <3