Wednesday, October 28, 2015

HPB Presents Halloween!

I'll admit it, for the *longest* time, I hated spiders.  With a passion.  My back would seize up whenever I saw one, mostly because every time I would have instant flashbacks to when I was 6 living in Virginia and decided to go out on my deck.  Had no idea that every feckin' spider in the neighborhood had decided to lay their eggs on our deck, and all the little spiderlings decided to hatch at the same time and march in a giant wave of tiny horror across the entire deck - up my legs, into my shorts and shirt, and into my hair.  You cannot simply brush tiny spiders the size of crumbs off of yourself, so I did the next logical thing - I screamed like hell, ran inside to the bathroom, and turned on the water, clothes and all.  

Scarred for life at the age of 6.  It's only been in the last two years that I've finally gotten over my huge fear of them - I blame the scorpions for that.  Dealing with those shrunken deformed lobsters from Hell is so much worse than a spider.  Spiders are cake compared.

So, in light of my recovery from spiders, I decided to do a spider design inspired by @BruisedUpDollie and @nailsbykball on Instagram for the Hobby Polish Bloggers October link-up!  Check it out:

I did a base coat of the one-coat wonder "I See France" by Digital Nails and watermarbled web designs using a silver by OPI and "Clearwater" by Pipe Dream Polish.  I then glued orange gemstones to each nail and hand painted the spider legs with acrylic paint.  I think they turned out pretty nifty, though the watermarble web look was a PITA for me.  I'm still trying to get the whole watermarbling thing down.

Whatcha think of this design?  Have you done anything similar for this Halloween season?  Be sure to check out all the other awesome Halloween designs by some of the members of Hobby Polish Bloggers through the inlinkz below!!



  1. You started this post with a nightmare!!! I would never have gotten over that!! Ughhh. Lol Love the mani though!

  2. Aaaaagh. nononononononono. Not spiders. Please anything but spiders.Your mani is great, but I can't get those evil beady eyes out of my head :/

  3. How darling is this? As for your spider horro story, I don't think I'd ever be over that!

  4. So as much as I can't stand spiders, these are fabulous! I love the eyes!

  5. Okay, your story about all those spiders hatching gave me the jitters and now I am itchy, lol! I do however love the cute little spiders on your nails <3.

  6. I actually have really bad arachnophobia and your story now has me wanting to scratch the skin off my body. I would have never gotten over that. OMG! Lol. Your mani is fabulous though!

  7. I hate spiders and actually any kind of insects, I mean, insects are really useless in the world, k? That said, I love your mani! I can't believe you hand painted the spider legs, I thought you stamped the spider and applied the rhinestones over stamping! They are so perfect!

  8. OMG your spider story made me itch :( I love the mani though

  9. These are absolutely amazing! And I was just commenting how I need to make a Lo-spider mani before Halloween is over!!!

  10. I admit. Once you started on your spider story I had to just look at pictures. This mani is lovely. But that story probably scarred me for life. haha

  11. We were so on the same page with our posts! Love how you used the gems.

  12. I'm arachnophobic too, your story of tiny you is so sad, those little creeps! I do love a good spider manicure though! Yours is amazing!

  13. Hahahahahaha this is amazing! And you'll never guess what I'm wearing right now... LOL! I'll post it tomorrow ;)

  14. I loved this from the second I saw it on instagram. It's a perfect spooky but cute mani!

  15. Spiders creep me out, but this mani is stunning

  16. Love the mani. The only spider I have problems with are Recluses. They be dead after I see them! The rest, live long, catch bad stuff and prosper-my garden needs you!

  17. This is one of the coolest Halloween mani ideas ever! And OMG YES, your description of scorpions. I don't mind spiders, but hell no to things that look like they should be several dozen feet under water trying to get in your shoes.

  18. That spider story seriously has me traumatized and I wasn't even there haha! Gah, I'd still be crying haha. These nails are really cool though!!

  19. Your spiders are so perfect, I tought they were stamped!!

  20. Stunning totally love your manicure! Spiders - yikes - i would also scream! A couple of years agon when i've watched the movie Harry Potter and in one scene Ron were screaming when he saw a pisder! I don't know who had actually scream the loudest in the cinema me or Ron. Creepy - i just hate spiders!

  21. Love your spiders, and love your meme! I go around telling people all the time--spiders are our friends, unless they have that red hourglass or that brown violin! Love all the spiders!! (okay, most of them, lol!)
