Showing posts with label Athena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Athena. Show all posts

Friday, February 27, 2015

Gothic Gala Lacquers Mt. Olympus Collection, Part 1

***Press Sample***

Friiiiiiiiday!  W00t!!  I'm very ready for it to be the weekend.  I have a taekwondo tournament tomorrow where I will be doing a short routine with my bow staff.  I'm only a tad nervous...

But let's talk about something way more fun - new polishes from Gothic Gala Lacquers!!  She recently created her largest collection yet inspired by Greek gods, and it is simply divine!!  There are a whopping 10 polishes total, so I'll be splitting up this post over today and tomorrow so you're not overloaded with Awesome ;)  Let's start with the first polish - Aphrodite!


Aphrodite is a beautiful pastel metallic pink.  It is on the thinner side, so even with three coats, as shown in the pictures, you can still see some nail line.  A thin base coat of white or OPI's ridge filler should eliminate that, if it is bothersome to you :)

Next up is Ares:

Ares is a gorgeous deep metallic purple that has a gorgeous subtle golden shimmer in certain lighting.

Here is Athena:

Athena is a beautiful dusty light blue/grey metallic that, to be honest, looks incredible matted!!!

This one is Demeter:

I very much love this one - I'm such a sucker for greens, and this is a gorgeous light metallic lime green!  It's one that would be *perfect* for St. Patty's Day :D

Last up for today is Dionysus:

Dionysus is the perfect wine-colored purple with a brilliant golden shimmer in certain lighting, and it also looks amazing matted!

Application for every one of these was the same - smooth, no pulling or gooping or clumping, and they all dried in under 5 minutes to a shiny finish.  These also look great with a matte topcoat to add a different, delicate look to these metallics :D

I'll have the final five for you tomorrow along with details on costs for the individual bottles and the sets.  What do you think of these colors so far?  Do you like the colors chosen to represent these gods?  Which one is your favorite?


Polishes were sent for photography and review purposes by Gothic Gala Lacquers.  All opinions are 100% honest and in no way swayed.