Thursday, May 5, 2016

Faeries & Folklore's Finding Nemo Inspired Collection, Part 1

***Press Sample***

It's Cinco de Mayo, a date to commemorate Mexico's victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla!  Or, as most of America will celebrate it, another day to drink!

I kid...though there's sadly a lot of truth to that meme -_-  

But I digress - we're here for POLISH!!  New polish!!  EXCITING POLISH!!

Shameless baby bait:

And for those who don't care for baby bait:


...I got bored, okay?

Faeries & Folklore is releasing her Nemo inspired collection today, and I have some swatches for it!

First up - "A Sea Monkey Stole My Money"

A Sea Monkey Stole My Money is based off the character Dory and is a squishy royal blue jelly, perfect for stampwiches and regular jelly sandwiches (not the kind you eat, silly goose) :D  I am wearing three thin coats in the photos above.  Please note, there are some bubbles in some spots - that is not from the polish, but rather due to my very hot body temperature that causes almost every jelly to bubble on me.  It's rather annoying.

Next up - "Honorable Mentions"

Honorable Mentions (shown here over A Sea Monkey Stole My Money) represents all the other characters in the movie that did not have a polish created for them in this collection.  It's a nice glitter topper with lots of various shapes and sizes of metallic and holographic glitters.  It spread easily with even coverage.  I have it sponged over the tips and shown as a single layer on the ring finger.

Next up - "Takin' On The Jellies"

Takin' on the Jellies is based off the jellyfish jungle Dory and Marlin find themselves trapped in on their way to find Nemo.  It is a purple packed with rainbow flakies, subtle holo, and a blue shimmer.  It almost glows, the combination of goodness in this polish makes it really magical, very much like coming across a jelly forest underwater.  I am wearing two coats plus topcoat in the photos and an accent nail of freehand jellyfish.

Next - "Find A Happy Place"

Find a Happy Place was inspired by Peach, one of my favorite characters from the movie, and her iconic line when that brat Darla is tapping the crap out of the tank (don't be a Darla, folks).  This polish is packed with various sized and shaped holographic, matte, and neon glitters (including starfish shaped ones!) and a lovely sprinkling of scattered holographic pigment throughout.  I am wearing one layer over a nude polish in the photos above with a freehand accent nail of Peach.

And lastly is my personal favorite of the collection - "Dude!"

Dude! is inspired by Crush, the "righteous" sea turtle from the East Australian Current that saves Marlin and Dory after they fight their way out of the Jellyfish Jungle.  Dude is a gorgeous jewel-toned green subtle holographic with small green holographic glitters and a lovely bluish/green shimmer.  I am wearing two coats in the photos above with topcoat and a freehand nail of Crush.

The collection launches today at 5pm CST.  Here's where you can purchase from and follow the brand:

If you use the code CINDEMAYO you will receive 15% off when you buy at least 2 polishes from the Nemo collection!  

And just for funsies, here's a collage of all the accent nails ;)

Which polish did you like best out of these five?  Let me know in the comments!  (Oh, and don't forget about the super awesome GIVEAWAY I'm having!!! Enter below!)  


Polish was sent to me by the maker for photography purposes.  All experiences with the polish are my own and my disclosure remains 100% honest.


  1. These polishes are great (and very Nemo-y) and your swatches and accent nails are amazing. Takin' on the Jellies and Dude are my two favourites from the collection.

  2. My eyes are heart shaped for that blue!

  3. I love royal blue and jellies so A Sea Monkey.. is my favorite!

  4. I love the entire collection. You swached beautifully. I love the move even today so m totally in love with whole collection.

  5. Did I just see starfish glitter? Starfish glitter??!!? SOOO awesome. And I love all your art, so much talent!!

  6. I am completely obsessed with your turtle. He's my favorite ever, favorite design of yours that is - not my favorite turtle. Well maybe he is my favorite turtle too.

  7. Omg I love them all. But mostly your accent nails!!!! And the starfish glitter, I diiiie

  8. I bow to your free hand skills. Amazing!

  9. Holy guacamole, your freehanding is beyond this world. They compliment these gorgeous shades so perfectly! And the starfish glitter?! Whoa that's new!

  10. As I was reading this I was like "Please let there be a Crush inspired polish. Please let there be a Crush polish...." I love Crush and his polish did not disappoint. The whole collection is pretty cute and I love the nail art you added to go along with it. :-)

  11. Ohhh, A Sea Monkey Stole My Money is gorgeous!! Your nail art is incredible too!

  12. I so need a sea monkey stole my heart, love the baby bait!

  13. Your accent nail art is always perfection! It's always my favorite part about seeing your work!
